In some reading completely unrelated to last month's theme, I came across this article on onomastics. It's funny to think that the way in which we organise people names now is not how it's always been, and it's not even how it is in all the cultures that exist on this planet right now. Maiden names, at least in the way we think about them, are mostly a Western society concern.
I remember writing an essay for uni a few years ago (well, okay, probably five years ago) for a subject called something like 'Mass Media in Asia' and getting very confused about how to correctly site a Chinese academic. Which of the names on the page was his family name, and which was his given name? I know that in a lot of Asian countries the order in which those names appear is different, and I was concerned about committing some kind of citation faux pas, especially because my tutor was Chinese. I probably should have been more concerned about getting the essay written, really, but that's another story.
I ended up emailing the tutor to ask. He was helpful and kind in his response -- but he probably thought it was hilarious.
I'm not sure I have a point here, but I have a feeling that this theme will continue to run around in my head, and I might find myself reading more about anthroponomy than is probably healthy.
PS. We'll set a new theme soon, I promise.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
In a name
Friday, November 13, 2009
Today I was sent this link to a talk by Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat, Pray, Love. It is about nurturing creativity and the idea that we all "have" genius. It is worth taking a look, or you can check it out here
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Another response to this month's theme
The Sultan of Sai Ying Pun has played along as well this month with a wonderful photo essay. I really want to travel to HK now!
a simple solution
Here is another submission by Tania Ritchie. Click on the image to enlarge, I love her idea!
Image by Tania Ritchie.
Marrying left your maiden name disused
My response for this month didn't actually get to the production stage, but this theme has been my favorite so far. It has really got me thinking about maiden names - to change or not to change!!
My idea is a locket (surprise) that has a little domed gold piece inside that could come out, perhaps with some text on it or some symbols that symbolize a previous maiden name.
My idea is that even though maiden names may become disused, it doesn't make them any less precious, or important. A previous name is still a special thing that symbolises past experiences and memories and it is the name that has gotten you to a certain point in your life. I wanted to explore the idea that maiden names are still important and something to be treasured, and disused doesn't have to mean insignificant and forgettable.
I am disappointed that I didn't get around to making my piece this month, I have been very busy finishing off another big project which I will be sharing soon!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Seriously, every month I tell myself I'm going to be good. This month I will get my post up on time, I swear. And every month that fails to happen. Sigh.
Anyway, no real excuse this month. I've been working on this story for a while now and I'm at the point where it's actually driving me insane. But it will continue to do so unless I finish it, and so I must continue to toil away.
Wish me luck!
Thanks to Pseudo Rhys and Megan Blom for playing along this month. And good luck to Hybrid J who is taking part in NaNoWriMo. If I were a braver writer I would do so too.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A poem
This morning I came across this poem by Philip Larkin, titled Maiden Name. I wonder whether this is where your teacher got the idea from, Sophie? I quite liked it so I thought I'd share it.
Marrying left your maiden name disused.
Its five light sounds no longer mean your face,
Your voice, and all your variants of grace;
For since you were so thankfully confused
By law with someone else, you cannot be
Semantically the same as that young beauty:
It was of her that these two words were used.
Now it's a phrase applicable to no one,
Lying just where you left it, scattered through
Old lists, old programmes, a school prize or two
Packets of letters tied with tartan ribbon -
Then is it scentless, weightless, strengthless, wholly
Untruthful? Try whispering it slowly.
No, it means you. Or, since you're past and gone,
It means what we feel now about you then:
How beautiful you were, and near, and young,
So vivid, you might still be there among
Those first few days, unfingermarked again.
So your old name shelters our faithfulness,
Instead of losing shape and meaning less
With your depreciating luggage laden.
-- Philip Larkin
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
these are the thoughts that i think...
So. I've been busy pondering lately. As I have talked about on here before, not a day goes by that I don't dream of being a crazy and free-spirited artist, creating and making whatever it is that my heart so desires that day, without worrying about money or whether anyone would want to buy it. I find that part of the process (the selling part) is such a creative killer. I find it really hard to just play and experiment when my mind is already reeling ahead to the customer and the marketing part. I find it really tough to get out of that mindset of "will this work?", as oppose to just going with it and seeing what happens.
I really wish for a day where I can just wake up and create and do as I please and know that abundance and success will follow. (And I don't mean riches and fame... I could really care less about that, I just mean being able to eat and put and roof over my head).
Do you think that it is possible to achieve this? I don't think I think it's impossible. My question is this: Is the reason that most people seem to tell me that you can't actually live like that is because you can't? Or do most people not live like that because they think they can't?
I don't know if I'm even making any sense hahaha I'll stop rambling now... Please share your thoughts and try to help me make sense of my thoughts...
beautiful image from here
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
New theme: Marrying left your maiden name disused.
So we're slightly more on it with the new theme this month. This one came from a writing exercise I was given in class (I didn't actually get around to doing it, so I don't have any kind of head start!).
"Marrying left your maiden name disused."
I have absolutely no idea where to even start with this one, but then I guess that's the fun of it.
Happy creating!
PS. I tried really hard to find a picture that somehow related to this post. It was nigh on impossible! So there's a challenge to all you visual people.
"... and there followed a moment's silence": a response
They sat by the phone together, he and she, brother and sister. Waiting. They did not look at the phone with their eyes, but their bodies tried to turn towards it. She pulled at her handkerchief, he bit his lip. The branches of the bare tree outside scratched at the window glass.
When the phone did finally ring its sound filled the room and silenced the tree. The siblings held their breath, locked in a silent argument with one another. ‘You answer it.’ ‘No, you.’ ‘I did it last time.’ ‘You did not.’ ‘Did too.’ ‘Did not.’
He answered it.
“Yes. Thank you. No thank you. No. They didn’t want us to. Yes. The crematorium. Thank you. Goodbye.”
The phone clunked as he put it down. Silence, for a moment.
“So,” she said, and dabbed at her eyes, which were not wet.
“Yes,” he replied. “We should organise the funeral.”
“We’ve already done that. They’ve already done that.”
The tree was scratching again at the window.
“What should we do then?” he said.
She pulled at her handkerchief.
“Let’s eat out.” She was up, quickly, striding towards the door that led to the next room. “They would want us to celebrate, finally. I’ll wear that red lipstick with that green dress; you can wear that tie Mum always loved.”
He raised his eyebrows at his sister; he’d owned the tie more than ten years ago.
"Oh. Well, not that one then.” She removed her hand from the door knob. “What then, Stuart?”
He stood up. “Sit down Stella. We need to absorb this.”
“You’re not sitting down.”
“No. I’m not.”
The tree scratched louder. The siblings blinked at each other from opposite sides of the room. She felt she should cry, but could not. She had been sure she would be able to. He could not believe his sister was not crying; she always did. She had cried when their parents had first told them what they were going to do. (“Weak eyes,” their father had said kindly. “Just like your mother.” Their mother glowered at him briefly, through eyes filled with tears.)
Stuart had wanted to be strong for Stella, to support her while she cried, but she appeared perfectly able to support herself for now, and he felt himself close to tears instead.
“I could wear a different tie.”
“Oh Stuart.” She took a step towards him.
“Don’t. I’m hungry. Let’s go to dinner.”
There's more to this story, but I'm still working on it, and hope to have it published at some point, so I'm sort of keeping it to myself at the moment. I might share a little more of it later on. Any feedback on this part would be greatly appreciated though.
In other news, I've been updating avocadoandlemon a little more frequently lately, since I became an iPhone dork and downloaded an app that lets me do it on the fly. I'll try to co-post here, but I might forget sometimes...
So, by way of a catch up: look here, and here, and here.
Also, check out the sidebar for a few other responses to this month's project -- thanks for playing along everyone!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Yes, I know
I would just like to point out that I realise I'm late (again!) but I do actually have something written, and I have been away from a computer...
I will post my response tomorrow. Far too tired now. I really should have been organised last week when I sent this story off to my class and set it up then to autopost today. Like how I made sure I had homecooked meals in the freezer for this week, knowing I'd be away for the weekend.
There is a limit to my organisation, okay?
Monday, October 5, 2009
..and there followed a moments silence
I just want to begin my making sure that everyone notices that I am NOT late today!! woohoo!! It may be that I am posting in the final hour of Monday but it is still Monday!
This month I was TOTALLY stumped with our theme... I very early on decided jewellery was way too hard to try and find something in this theme so I decided to go with a photo.
"...and there followed a moments silence" at first make me think about when you have an argument with someone and it ends and you don't know what to do with yourself and you kind of just wait... like... "well......"
It also brought to mind that moment at the end of the day when I get home from work and I just need "a moments silence" or calmness to just sit and process and unwind... and I guess that was what I was going for here in this picture...
Not sure how I feel about it, but there it is! With 45 minutes to spare!
I look forward to seeing if everyone else did better!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday project: Box of Sun
Okay, so I'm not a bad friend this time. Sarah only put this post up yesterday! Promise.
This is her response to the Box of Sun theme. You'll need a password, and it's the same as last time: 'monday'.
I wish I could write poetry like this (or at all)!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Monday project: Brave
Sigh. I'm really revealing myself as a person with a very distinct lack of organisation skills. My friend Sarah responded to the theme before the last theme, Brave, and I'm only just linking it now. Great friend I am!
But! Sarah is a lovely poet, so please have a look-see. You'll need a password to read it. The password is 'monday'.
I found this fellow in the park near my house the other day.
He only visited for a couple of days, so I'm glad I got the photos when I did.You can tell I live in a really fancy pants area, can't you? All the graffiti and beer bottles at the local playground really give it away.
Safety In Art and other craftiness
So I've been told by Pseudo Rhys that I really must write something, because he's impatient to read more about Safety In Art, which Kate and I attended in Melbourne last weekend. I too am beginning to see a pattern here with mine and Kate's level of organisation...
Pseudo and I both went to an arts and crafternoon this afternoon (the afternoon's name was borrowed from my good friend Sarah, whose friend coined the term). This is, well, sort of the aftermath.
I've found it difficult to describe Catacomb Creative's efforts to people who weren't there. It was group crafting, it was discussion with the Creative Women's Circle, it was live art, it was people selling their wares. It was people continuing to sketch even when we all moved to a nearby bar. Kate and I made ourselves some business cards and joined in the discussions and the laughter, but we kind of forgot to tell anyone in attendance the theme. Or that they should be responding to it... I guess we were too caught up in meeting people and having conversations about all things creative.
Ummm... yeah. We also neglected to take any photos. Go Monday Project!
It was such a great day. Thanks to Catacomb Creative for putting it on. We promise we'll be more organised for the next one!
The only negative thing I will say about the day is that it made me miss Melbourne like crazy. But then only a few of you would agree that's a bad thing...
PS. Responses to this month's theme are due Monday week, 5 October.
Monday, September 14, 2009
new project and exciting news!
So we are a bit behind with announcing the new theme - hmm okay I am seeing a pattern here for us - but we have some excited news to share which I think definitely makes up for our lack of organisation this month!
As you no doubt heard, this Saturday is Safety in Art! Kel from Catacomb Creative has put together one awesome day out for all you creatives. You can read more about it here and here but basically it is one action packed arty kinda day being held at Guildford Lane Gallery in the city. It is bringing all type of interesting and excited people together to meet and chat and make and share their wares.
There will be round table discussions, artists selling their work, live art, all kinds of crazy creating, as well as coffee and nibbles and a bunch of awesome people to meet.
AND! Also... most importantly! We will be there for the day with a bit of a challenge to keep you all busy!
Which brings me to the theme for this month! Things will work a little bit differently for September so listen up!
Submissions can be sent to us or blogged about up until 5th of October, however during the Safety in Art event we will be running a competition to see what you all can create on this given theme in one day. It does have to be polished and perfect, it's just about getting your ideas out and having a go! So come along and play!
Okay, the theme:
Sunday, September 13, 2009
I know I've written about this here before, but travel does wonders for me. I might've only travelled three hours away physically this weekend, but in my head I travelled to the other side of the world and back, into the future and back into the past. When I'm not tied down to my regular life I find myself free to go anywhere, mentally. Which can only be good for creativity, right?
I'm ready to have an adventure (and to write about it).
(PS. I did take some photos at Floriade, but stupidly forgot to take my own camera, so they, along with some ridiculous shots of my brothers wearing matching bright yellow sunglasses, are still in Canberra on my Mum's camera -- her birthday present. I'll upload a couple once she's sent them through to me.)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I am a bad Monday Project organiser
Yep. I'm both late and incomplete. In fact, hardly even started. I do have an assignment and a new, unrelated short story to use as excuses, but I still feel like I should be a little more organised...
Anyway, I thought I'd share some of my ideas instead.
- My first idea involved a small box used by a woman to put bits and pieces of happy things in her life into, saving them up for a rainy day. A wee bit corny, so that's where the idea stayed.
- My second idea was similar to the above, but it was about a child collecting treasured things in a box and coming across them many years later by accident -- if anyone's seen the opening few scenes of Amelie, you'll know the kind of thing I was thinking of.
- The third idea was similar to Mr Sketchy's, and involved a window, or, more specifically, the two windows in my room, which are such lovely boxes of sun for me.
In other news, Pseudo Rhys and I went to life drawing this week (both drawing, neither modelling). It's been such a long time since I've sat down to draw. I was a bit creaky at first, a little hesitant with my HB pencil (where my graphites are, I do not know), but once I'd got warmed up it was as wonderful as I remember. If I get around to scanning or taking any pictures of my efforts, I'll be sure to share them here.
I'm off to Canberra for the weekend for my Mum's birthday, and hopefully to have a look at Floriade. Hopefully I'll have some pictures to share when I get back.
Thanks to everyone who played along this month! We've got a new theme to go up soon, and some exciting news about something we're up to in Melbourne on 19/20 September. More details soon!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A box of sun
...and when I said "tonight" you realise I really meant TOMORROW night...
yup, I suck. It's true. But gimme a break I am sick with a cold and headache and snuggled up in bed....
I didn't get to production stages this month, but I can tell you my idea. (Yes an explanation will be necessary - sorry about the terrible picture, I really cannot draw...). My idea was very literal. I am going to make a sterling silver locket, with 18ct yellow gold on the inside. A box of sun!
I also toyed with the idea of making a locket with a little internal pocket that you could put a little note in, with some kind words... the idea being it would be a little box of positivity and sunshine! I like this idea, so I think I might play with it a little bit more...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
coming soon...
Yup okay, we are a bit behind schedule!! We're coming!! I will put my response up tonight! Until then, here are a few great responses here and here from those more organised than us.... please go and check them out because they are really good!
I am really excited by this month's responses! For a theme that a lot of people said was really hard the responses have been so detailed and in depth and varied! It's great!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Today I went for a big walk over to a friend's house for a writers' group meeting. The meeting, as usual, was great, but it was the walk that surprised me with its positivity-inducing ability.
I'm not sure why I was surprised. I walk everywhere. I love it. But I guess most of the time I walk to get somewhere. Today I was doing just that, but I also made sure to enjoy the journey itself. I didn't hurry, I positively strolled. My brain slowed down with my pace, and I was able to think through some things more clearly; I came up with a new idea for a non-fiction piece. The sun shone, but not too warmly, and I could smell spring (jasmine, in my mind) in the air. All in all a good walk.
Enjoying the journey isn't new to me either, I guess I just haven't done it for quite some time. Today must be a day for reminders.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
New things
I love new things. They're exciting and unknown, and full of potential. I started a new story this week, inspired by something I was half-watching on the tele. I went to a new cafe to write on Sunday, a recommendation from a friend of mine.
Two new things I think I will persist with.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I was in Melbourne this past weekend, for the Writers' Festival. I had the nicest weekend. Plenty of ideas and motivation at the writers' festival, good catch ups with a number of friends (Kate included!) and some frantic writing.
It was just what I needed. I feel creatively and emotionally refreshed and am ready to tackle some serious projects. This week I've written quite a lot. I haven't yet felt like I've achieved anything great yet, but I've definitely done some small things that will get me somewhere in the long run.
So now I just need to get myself to continue in this vein. Wish me luck!
PS. The image above I took in Federation Square at about lunch time on Saturday. I love the guy in the background, completely oblivious.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Making space
This weekend I had a big clean up and clean out of my work space. I've recently moved out of the house and into the garage which has been great - more space, I don't have to worry about dust and mess... except I've been surrounded by bikes and boxes and general household clutter which was making me feel like I didn't really want to be in there and feeling kinda unprofessional.
So, as I was saying, on Saturday I had a huge clean up and organise, and my space is feeling nice and uncluttered and a pleasure to be in. I actually want to get out here in the mornings now!
I'm a big believe of making space in your life for whatever it is you might be wanting or needing. In my case, making space for work and clients. I was feeling before like I was too busy and cluttered and couldn't be bothered being out there, so who would commission me for work when I'm feeling like that?
But today, I'm ready and waiting!
image from renedrivers
Thursday, August 20, 2009
life is peachy
I haven't really posted for awhile, not that I haven't wanted too... Many times I've sat at my computer and opened the new post page and tried to write but I just haven't been able to think of anything important or interesting to contribute!
But I figured out my problem: LIFE IS GOOD! I've quit the job that was making me stressed and miserable, I'm working less for money and more for enjoyment, I have more time, I'm jogging, I'm eating better, I'm enjoying cooking....pretty much most things in my life in my control are great! I have a spark back!! Which isn't a problem at all really, far from, but I realised it so much easier to write when things are shitty and stressful and hard. It's easier to complain and whinge and seek advice than to write and say 'things are awesome'. Is it just me that feels like that?
I think this is a bit sad really, so here is to spreading more goodness from here on out :)
image by adwriter
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Be Brave: New submission
Decipher the Day has played along with last month's project: Be Brave. She has bravely ventured into a new area for her, and posted up stickers around Melbourne.
Check them out here.
Don't forget that the next project is due in a few weeks on Monday 7 September.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Writing exercises
This semester I'm doing just the one subject at uni, in an effort to slow down. It's a short story workshop, which is right up my alley, because I love short stories (to read and write). Each week we're being given an exercise to explore the various elements of stories (short or long, really); character, place etc etc. I thought I might share them each week.
For last week's class we had to take a character from one of our stories to the supermarket. In writing, that is. I'm working on a short story I wrote last year -- and that needs a lot of improvement! -- so any feedback would be more than welcome.
I'll also be posting these entries on avocadoandlemon.
The supermarket is only just opening when Bella steps off the bus. This is her favourite time to shop because the place is virtually empty and she can be as slow as she likes without worrying that she will in someone's way.
She recognises the cashier at the only open register and attempts a smile, but is rebuffed with a look of confusion and lack of recognition. The girl is here every week, but Bella supposes there's not much interest in remembering a little old lady with a squeaky fabric grocery trolley. She certainly wouldn't have been interested when she was the girl's age. Bella sighs and moves to the toilet paper and laundry powder end of the supermarket. She has always moved through the supermarket this way, 'backwards' as her husband put it on the few times she convinced him to come shopping with her. He hated supermarkets and couldn't understand the sense of freedom she found in them. "They depress me," he used to say, but would not, or could not elaborate further.
After comparing the prices, Bella chooses the least expensive toilet paper, which is unfortunately located on the top shelf, almost out of her reach. She will have to risk an avalanche of toilet paper to get a packet down. She looks around her. There is no one in the aisle; no one who could help. On her tip toes, her hand on the handle of her cart to push herself a little higher, Bella manages to knock the paper towards herself and move out of the way to let it drop to the floor. She smiles. Last time she knocked down four or five packets and was too embarrassed to ask for help, so piled the packets on the floor neatly. Later that day, when she got home, she realised that the store probably had cameras and that the store manager could have watched the whole thing. She had caught two extra buses to shop in another supermarket for the next three weeks.
She carefully crosses toilet paper off her list with a pencil from her dress pocket. Laundry powder is also on the list. Thankfully her favoured brand is usually found on the bottom shelf -- she assumes this is because not many other people buy it. Sometimes it is not in stock, but today she is in luck. Another straight pencil line on her list.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Quickly, some self promotion
So I finally got around to buying a copy of the magazine I had story published in last month. If you get a chance, check it out here. It's a non-fiction piece (a personal essay, even) about connection to place.
Voiceworks is an incredible publication -- and not just because they kindly published my piece. Each edition (it's a quarterly magazine) features new writing from young Australian writers and provides a wonderful opportunity for writers and artists under 25 to get there work out there. Even if you don't buy this particular issue, please do check it out.
I'm very bad at self promotion, so I'll leave it there.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A box of sunshine
But basically, I really just liked the sound of A Box of Sun, and the images it conjoured up, so I thought it would be fun to see what comes to mind for other people. Good luck!
Monday, August 3, 2009
I've only realised in the last couple of days how timely this theme is for me. My post from a few weeks ago is really telling me that I need to be brave and do something that might be considered reckless. I have some ideas. I'll let you know how I go!
For now though, here's my submission for this month.
Project's due!
August project due today! The theme was BRAVERY! Check back soon as I will be adding submissions over in the sidebar.
I'm off now to finish off mine...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Slowing Down
I actually wrote this post two weeks ago (the last time I was sick!) but for some reason (probably crappy internet connection and impatience) I didn't get to actually post it. I've been busy since, and now have got sick all over again. Very irritating!
Yesterday, in between my fevered sleeps and horredous coughing fits, I was reading this lovely lady's blog. As well as some photos of her oh-so-cute little man, she often makes wonderfully insightful comments. The post I have linked to is all about slowing down.
The timing of this post, for me, is excellent. I rush around. I try to stretch my days to fit just that little extra bit of 'stuff' in. I like to be busy. And where does it lead me? To a sick bed. Which is where I will probably be for the next three days.
Now, I don't want to blame this illness entirely on myself -- the flu is, after all, going around at the moment. But I do think that if I gave myself just a little more time to do, well, nothing, I might avoid falling quite so hard when I do get sick. So Jodi's post is a nicely timed reminder to slow down, just a little, and give myself some thinking and resting time.
As well as being good for my health, I can't help but think some slow time will be good for my writing. If my brain's too full of scheduling, as it often is of late, how will there ever be room for stories and ideas?
If nothing else good comes of this horrid flu, I guess at least it's forcing me to stop for a while!
Image by Mister Rad.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Fingers crossed!
This is an exciting week for me this week. Well, next week will probably be the MOST exciting, but this one is leading up to it.
I have three days left of employment at my current work. I've taken the plunge and I'm going out on my own. I figured it was now or never to embark on my own jewellery adventure, so fingers crossed it all works out.
I'm feeling pretty good, and I just think it might....
Now I will have plenty of time to finish off my submission for this month. I have quite a few ideas! And we have some new people playing along, so I look forward to sharing them soon.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
New work & a mini-rant...
Something that is really important to me in my jewellery practise is being able to create pieces that impact on the planet as lightly as possible. I do this in a number of ways, mainly by using recycled gold and silver. Usually I just buy this straight a supplier, that saves the metal from old phones and such from going into landfill. Such a fantastic idea! In no way does this result in an inferior type of gold - it's exactly the same - or does this save any money, in fact it often costs more by the time to refine it, but the important thing is to reduce, reuse, recycle!! Also to avoid supporting a dirty, harmful industry. You can read more about it here or here if you are interested, and I will try to keep my rants to a minimum.
Anyway, the above piece was made recycling a customers gold and stones, and I just finished it yesterday and thought I might share as I think it came out pretty nice! Its using 4 rubies and 11 diamonds set around the edge which you can hardly see in this photo. I really need to get better at taking photo's!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I know its daggy but...
...I just love this song. I've been listening to it all night!
I'm compiling a mixed cd of those songs that you just cannot HELP but love... the old ones... for when I just cannot get motivated in my workship. Like Tracey Chapman's Fast Car. I love that song too. Been playing her best of CD on repeat all week.
Hit me with your suggestions!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sigh. I'm frustrated. I don't seem to be able to get over it either. I try to be positive, I really do, but at the moment I feel like I'm wasting time. I'm working, I'm even writing, but I don't feel like I'm achieving anything.
This all began to become obvious about three weeks ago. My Mum came to visit for the weekend and we went to see Ruben Guthrie, a play by Australian playwright and actor Brendan Cowell. I loved it. But I began to wonder why I wasn't writing plays myself. Or anything, really. I mean, I am writing, but nothing feels finished and I still have to go to my day job. I feel somehow trapped. Somewhere.
I wish writing was my day job but I have no idea how to get from here to there. And that, more than the fact that I'm not there yet, is what I'm frustrated about. I'm a proactive person. I like to have plans and implement them. I like to make decisions and act on them (for instance, when I moved away from Melbourne the time between me deciding to do so, and actually getting on a plane was about eight days, and it was only that long because I had to give notice at work). I've made some decisions about things I want to do in the near future, but I can't act on them yet. Patience is certainly not my strong point.
All that said, I do have some things to be positive about at the moment. I have received some wonderfully positive feedback from my teachers about a screenplay and a short story I have written; and a non-fiction piece I wrote last year is about to be published in Voiceworks.
So why am I complaining, I think. Well, I'm just impatient I guess.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Jumping in Puddles... late (again)
Okay, so this is more post-puddle than actually jumping in puddles. Like Ben Zen, I found myself wanting to play with this theme. So I haven't written anything. Instead, I've looked around me. I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do with these three -- perhaps I'll make them into paintings on canvas -- but I'm sure their number will grow.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
new theme!
This week's theme is:
(or "courage" if you like... we're flexible... I just liked this picture hehe)
It will be due August 3rd. Go! Get creating!
image by karen m andersen
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Jumping in puddles...
I'm embarassed to even say it... but I'm late. Very late. Again. And so is Sophie. We are terrible players and someone should tell us we aren't allowed to play anymore... next month we promise we will be better! Check out those who DID get a submission in over the side, or as follows:
Ben Zen:
Pseudo Rhys:
Mr. Sketchy:
Saturday, July 4, 2009
What can you teach me?
These are a great idea and twist on traditional name tags, but it got me thinking... Thinking about how we all have those things that we are quietly confident that we KNOW we are good at, even if sometimes they are ridiculous and impractical. Check more out here
I can teach you...
- to make a bed, even with someone in it. Hospital corners and all. (6 months of a nursing degree will teach you that.)
- about Parkes - 'home of the dish'
- to make a casserole.
image from creative mornings, via cup of jo
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Rain, rain, rain
It's taken me a while to put these up. I took these on a failed adventure to the Everleigh Markets with my housemates -- failed because we got there just as the markets shut. How I wish I'd had my gumboots on!
I've been motivated this week. I've had two nights at home writing, and wished I was doing it the other three nights. I've also been noticing the (sometimes) very interesting people around me as I train and walk it to work, and have taken down little notes, which hopefully will be the start of... well, something.
Hard to believe it's only just over a week until this month's project is due. I swear it was only January yesterday.
Friday, June 19, 2009
too, too nice...
I wish I went to this university and knew these guys. What a lovely idea :)
via milk
image via sarah.louise11
I've been quiet
I'm not entirely sure why. My busy period has been over for about a week now, but I guess I've needed some time to be still. I had two days off work this week and am only tonight venturing out for an evening.
I feel like i'm rebuilding my energy stores though. I've got some ideas bubbling away in my brain, ready to be written about once I feel motivated (hopefully soon!).
Oh, and the rain has continued on and off, much to the annoyance of almost everyone I know. But it's certainly had me smiling!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
A little bit late...
Excuse us for being late to add A Simple Tune's submission to the links on the side, I was a bit late in seeing she had contributed, but I'm glad to she did, it is such a lovely sounding song! She is the first one to simbit a sound submission! You can check it out here but head over to her blog as well to read about her ideas :)
It's so fun to have more people playing along, with different mediums being explored!
Monday, June 15, 2009
I have a dream....
I have a dream of running away to some little village in France or Greece or Spain and being a crazy passionate artist...
I've just been watching Vicky Cristina Barcelona and all but packing my bags and paints and heading off for here...
1. BjarteFronsdal
2. Santi MB
3. xeroinsanity
4. shirl581
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Can't get motivated...
It is so cold today, I have lots to do but I just can't bring myself to leave the warmth of my house for the freezing concrete that is my workshop. Yesterday there was condensation on my tools!!
I've been so productive lately, but today I just cannot...get....moving...........
Bring back summer...
image from Chad_UK
Monday, June 8, 2009
Is popcorn bad for you?....
This has nothing to do with anything.... except I'm munching on down on a fresh bowl of popcorn, and it's so good. How bad is it for you? I mean... it's corn... its a vegetable... it's basically GOOD for me...right?
Yum Yum!
image from
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Monthly project: Jumping in Puddles
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Staying on task....
I have a problem sometimes with keeping myself on task and not getting distracted. Now that I'm working at home two days a week can sometimes be a problem, but I've figured out a secret. Of course I have the usual tricks and suggestions such as setting my alarm and working for one hour then breaking, coffee, or reward based systems, but my newest and most successful idea to date is this:
Dirty old cons. Well, any shoes for that matter, although I find those with laces seem to work the best, that way I can't accidently slip them off under my workbench. I find that if I get up in the morning, get dressed and put my shoes straight on then I feel in much more of a working mood, as oppose to long weekend lazing around mood, and there is that extra little thing between getting back into bed or snuggling up in front of the TV.
What weird and wonderful things do other people have to keep them on task?
Monday, June 1, 2009
Awesome :)
Yay! We've never received any awards here before and I thought what the hell? I shall give it a go! We received the Awe-summmm award from Yvonne at Safe Space, and Kerry from Awaken.... I highly recommend heading over to their blogs to check them out because I always find something relevant and uplifting to read and they always brighten my day just that little bit :)
So... I have to list 7 awesome things about myself... I don't know if I have SEVEN but I will see how I go:
1. I am caring. I care a lot about the important people in my life, and I would do anything I could to help those people that I love.
2. I am good at reading maps, and knowing where I am going. I have a GREAT sense of direction.
3. I can make beautiful things that people always are suprised by and appreciate.
4. I am a hardworker.
5. I pride myself on my work, and always work to a high standard, even though this may mean sometimes things take me a bit longer than others, I would rather do a GREAT job than a quick job.
6. I am thoughtful. I am considerate of what those around me need.
7. Oh no close... one more.... ummmm.... I am a great girlfriend, and an EXCELLENT cuddler :)
I'm going to cheat a bit and whoever reads this and wants to play along go for it... it was actually kind of fun and challenging trying to think of things about myself... but I will leave you with some great places I like to visit:
Of course Awaken and Safe Space, as well as:
Ben Zen
Mr Sketchy
Truth Be Told and
My Charlie Girl for great drawings and musings...
You are Remarkable and
So she tells you for nice pictures and words...
Letters I'd wish I'd written and
Pacing the Panic Room just because... and there are so many more but that will have to do for now as I have work to be done!! :)
no No no no No
This month was a really tough one! Due to the short time, due to our laziness, I decided to give jewellery making a miss and was planning to do a bit of a mixed media kinda thing. When I was at school I did a lot of this kind of thing because I couldn't draw to save myself.
I started out by thinking about 'sadly, no', and when you would hear that, and that got me thinking situations where you REALLY want something and you can't have it, and the biggest thing in my life where I remember feeling like that is in a relationship that just wasn't working but I really wanted it to at the time.
So I was going to make a bit of an artwork about that, and I started making little pieces of words and colour and text that I intended to cut up and piece together, however I got a bit carried away and I liked the DOING so much that I ended up with this:
Check out other submissions as they are added over on the side bar!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I'm at home on a Saturday night. Working on a screenplay and short story. I feel like a bit of a dork, having nothing social to do. But secretly I'm really enjoying it. I've been so busy of late, it's nice to slow down a bit.
I've been thinking a lot lately about the way my life is organised at the moment, and how much time I have to pursue any kind of creativity. The balance has been very far from right in the last few months and I, like Kate, have been anxious. Things aren't quite right. I'm stressed out and feeling cranky all the time.
But again, like Kate, I've just got to wait it out. It will pass. Soon I will have finished my semester at uni, things will settle down at work, and I'll have time to breathe again.
Looking forward to seeing some more responses to this month's project on Monday!
Image by hickoree.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sitting, waiting....
I'm feeling anxious. I have this sick tight feeling in my stomach all the time at the moment and it makes me want to run away. Or stay in bed for days on end watch episodes of Grey's Anatomy... yes, it's true I shall admit it....
At the start of this year I went to see an astrologer, and know everyone has differing opinions of astrology but lets not get into that as that is not really the point of this post. She was someone who had been recommended to me by a few people who had seen her, and she told me a lot of things about myself that were very true, and things that upon going away and thinking about or asking my parents definitely did happen.
Last week I was listening through the recording of my session with her again and she mentioned that about this time I would be feeling like this, and that I would want to run away but that I needed to stay and deal with it otherwise I would feel like this again and again...
So, that's what I am doing....
Here is to sitting and not running away....
image by André Pipa
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
I know I'm just a whinger, but I'm feeling a little like...
“Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one’s thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world.”
via Rememo
Sunday, May 17, 2009
New project!
Okay so we are running very behind with this month's project... however we have finally come up with something! Kindly suggested by Mr Sketchy the idea is.....(drumroll....)
"Sadly, no."
I have NO idea WHATsoever I am going to do, but I'm excited and up for the challenge!! Get creating!!
Submissions will be posted up on the 1st of June. Only two weeks away seeing we were so lazy!
Image by ryuuchiba
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Made Up Words
I'm sure I'm not the only one who uses made up words. Or words used in the wrong context for amusement. But I've just noticed that I often make up words when I make typing errors. And they're recurring words. My current recurring typo is 'activon', used instead of 'action'.
This is something that I love about language -- it's so fluid and playful.
I'm curious as to what, exactly, 'activon' would mean. Any ideas?
Friday, May 8, 2009
Samson & Delilah
Again, I'm going to leave it to my good friend Gerard at Celluloid Tongue to write a comprehensive review of this film, but I will say that, harrowing as the experience of watching it was, I loved this film. It was honest, brutal, and surprisingly quiet. The two main characters barely speak to each other at all. Such a beautiful portrayal of the communication problems that can be such a huge part of adolescence.
This film deserves to do well, simply because it is such a wonderful story so beautifully told. I have a horrible feeling that it will not do very well commercially, just because it is so honest with its material, but I'm hoping to at least get a couple more bums on seats for this film by mentioning it here. Please go and see it. Even if it's not the happiest experience you have in a cinema, it will certainly be one of the most worthwhile.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Studying on Sunday
An admission or two
I'm struggling at the moment. Creatively I mean. The ideas, the stories, just aren't there. I can write analytically, but as soon as I try to write fiction I lose the plot (pun sort of almost intended). I used to have a new idea nearly every day, now I just seem to be rehashing old ones all the time. And even then, the outcome doesn't excite me. The writing, I think, is stale.
I think I know why this is. Last year was incredibly tough for me. Those of you who know me well will have some idea why. I spent so much of last year trying to rebuild my life, get comfortable in a new city, with new (and some old) friends. This took up a lot of time and energy. Necessarily, obviously. But my writing has really suffered.
I realised earlier this week that I've been walking through my days with blinkers on, when I used to look around me; listen, smell, feel around me. I'm missing things. I've become an unobservant city robot, intent on getting to and from in the most efficient way possible. How
So my new mission is to try to reconnect, to notice, to 'stop and smell the roses' as my boss said to me this afternoon, smiling at the cliché.
I'm taking a deep breath and diving back in. Wish me luck.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Late! Again.
Grrr... I've been trying and trying to put up a picture that demonstrates nicely why I am late again this month, but it won't load. Oh well.
You can read my submission for this month's project here.
It's only half-finished, and I've just realised it sort of picks up on similar themes to last month's piece. Any feedback would be very welcome! I'm trying to move away for a while from continually writing about something else, so I'm wondering whether taking this idea a little further might help me do that. I guess I'd like to know whether or not it's worth it!
Monday, May 4, 2009
playing along...
I'm very excited today because Ben from Ben Zen Illustration is playing along. I will admit I have had a bit of a blog-crush for a little while now and was thrilled to see him playing along!
Ben draws the cutest little tree men and women and singing birds, and I always enjoy dropping into his blog to check out what new drawings he has done. I so wish I could draw :) Head on over to check out his ideas for treasure as well as whatever else he is up to...
Also have new blogger from A Simple Tune playing along, and the always talented Mr Sketchy who always beats us finished. Anyone else who needs some inspiration or simply wants to play along, let us know and we'll add your link in the side bar.
image from Ben Zen Illustration